Monkey Beatz

a Studio Experiment 

Just a Studio Experiment?

The Monkey Beatz project started as a studio experiment at the beginning of 2020. The goal of the project was, on the one hand, to create a channel where other musicians, especially other percussionists, could feel inspired and entertained. Secondly, it was important to me to create a format where I could express myself as a multi-instrumentalist and have free rein for my ideas and concepts. I had already gained experience with overdubs in the past, but I aimed for more and wanted to create a new level.

The interesting and unexpected part was the response from other musicians and percussionists on one side, and on the other side, the interest from companies that also showed interest in the project. This led to several collaborations, such as with Meinl Percussion and Zoom (the manufacturer of mobile recording devices). This, of course, provided a high boost of motivation and encouraged me to delve even deeper into the subject and create more content.


I frequently receive inquiries for collaborations and partnerships, both from musicians and companies, ranging from clothing manufacturers to tech firms of all kinds. If you have any interest or just questions about the project, don't hesitate to write to me. At the top right, you see the red contact button. So, DO IT! I'm looking forward to your messages.